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Humane Wildlife Removal


Category: How to get rid of raccoons

How Much Does Raccoon Damage Cost | Houston, TX

How Much Does Raccoon Damage Cost

As wildlife removal professionals, we often get asked “Well how much is it going to cost to get rid of this raccoon?”  We understand the question. Money is tight. But the truth is wildlife removal is quite inexpensive.  A better question would be: how much is it going to cost

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How to deter raccoons | How to get rid of raccoons | Elite Wildlife Services

How to deter raccoons

Don’t want to pay for raccoon removal?The easiest way to avoid needing raccoon removal services is to deter raccoons in the first place.Here are three ways to try to keep raccoons off your property.#1) Restrict Access to FoodLike most urban scavengers, raccoons choose to inhabit properties where they can count

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Raccoon Trapping | Get Rid of Raccoons | 5 Signs You Have a Raccoon Infestation | Elite Wildlife Services

5 Signs You Have a Raccoon Infestation in Your Home

We’ve been offering pest control services in the Houston, TX, metro area for many years. We know denial is the first reaction many people have when they start noticing signs that raccoons may be invading the house.People don’t want to think about the potential expense of removing raccoons or what

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Raccoons Cause Two Texas Power Outages | Raccoon Removal Services | Elite Wildlife Services

Raccoons Cause Two Texas Power Outages

In Seguin, TX, raccoons caused two power outages this October by getting into substation transformers. This isn’t the first time a raccoon has ever gotten into a transformer. Out in Colorado, a raccoon once caused a 7-acre wildfire doing the same thing. There were instances in New Mexico where raccoons caused

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