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Elite Wildlife Services
Humane Wildlife Removal



Frequently Asked Questions About Bat Removal | Elite Wildlife Services in Houston, Texas

It’s still bat season here in the Houston metro area, which means plenty of homes and businesses are contending with colonies.  We’ve spent ample time covering how destructive these little creatures can be, so we thought we’d take the time to address other questions that we receive from our customers

Does Squirrel Control Harm Squirrels? | Elite Wildlife | Houston

Squirrels are dangerous in part because they’re so cute. They can wreak havoc on just about any home, but they’re so cute most homeowners don’t really want to do them any harm. Fortunately, at Elite Wildlife Services of Houston, TX, we employ 100% humane squirrel control and removal methods.  Here

4 Facts About Houston Squirrels

4 Facts About Houston Squirrels | Elite WIldlife | Houston, TX

Squirrel breeding season is back, which means all the little Momma squirrels are looking for safe places to bear and raise their baby squirrels. To the average Squirrel-Mom, attics are perfect. They’re sturdy, strong, safe from predators, and full of nesting material, otherwise known as your insulation. Since squirrels are

Preventing Bat-Borne Rabies in Houston, TX | Elite Wildlife Services

Recent news articles show that across the country, bats are testing positive for rabies. Denver, CO Carson City, NV Tazewell County, IL   In some of those cities, the bats have managed to pass their infections along to humans and their pets, too. Bats are, in fact, the most common

How to Check Your Home for Bats | Elite Wildlife Services

Here at Elite Wildlife Services, we offer free inspections to any homeowner in Houston & surrounding areas. Most people call us and have us check for bats rather than trying to DIY it. Yet some homeowners really want to be sure before they add another schedule item to their calendars.

4 Ways Bats Can Mess Up Your Home | Elite Wildlife Services

If you hear a bat in your attic and you think it’s just a cute little critter that isn’t hurting anything, think again. You’re probably hearing an entire colony, and bats can do a great deal of expensive damage. Here are four ways that bats can destroy your home. #1)


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