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Humane Wildlife Removal


Category: Squirrel Problems

The Three Biggest Squirrel Mistakes Houston Residents Make

The Three Biggest Squirrel Mistakes Houston Residents Make

If you want to keep squirrels out of your attic, a little prevention can go a long way.  But there’s no such thing as a magic bullet. You can’t spread folk remedies around or buy some sort of sonic squealer to scare squirrels away. Squirrel prevention is pretty standard stuff.

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Does Squirrel Control Harm Squirrels? | Elite Wildlife | Houston

Does Squirrel Control Harm Squirrels?

Squirrels are dangerous in part because they’re so cute. They can wreak havoc on just about any home, but they’re so cute most homeowners don’t really want to do them any harm. Fortunately, at Elite Wildlife Services of Houston, TX, we employ 100% humane squirrel control and removal methods.  Here

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4 Facts About Houston Squirrels | Elite WIldlife | Houston, TX

4 Facts About Houston Squirrels

Squirrel breeding season is back, which means all the little Momma squirrels are looking for safe places to bear and raise their baby squirrels. To the average Squirrel-Mom, attics are perfect. They’re sturdy, strong, safe from predators, and full of nesting material, otherwise known as your insulation. Since squirrels are

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3 Steps You Can Take to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Attic - Houston Squirrel Removal - Elite Wildlife Services

3 Steps You Can Take to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Attic

There is no way to keep squirrels out of your yard. Even after a 92% population decline after the winter storms of 2022, they are one of Houston’s most pervasive pests.  Fortunately, squirrels aren’t destructive when they’re in your yard. They’re destructive when they’re in your house and there are

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How Can I Prevent Squirrels from Entering My Home?

How Can I Prevent Squirrels from Entering My Home?It would be nice if you could keep squirrels out of your home before calling a pest control company like ours. And we’ve got good news!There are steps you can take to vastly reduce your chances of acquiring a squirrel problem. Inspect Your

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Can Natural Repellents Keep Squirrels Away?

Can Natural Repellents Keep Squirrels Away?It would be nice if you could plant some garlic around your house and never worry about squirrels again, wouldn’t it?Money is tight for Houston families this year, so it’s natural to wonder if you can end a squirrel problem with inexpensive ingredients that you

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