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Elite Wildlife Services
Humane Wildlife Removal


Tag: squirrels


Do Squirrels Carry Diseases?

Do Squirrels Carry Diseases?It’s squirrel season here in Houston when they’re scrambling to find shelter for the winter and your attic looks ideal to them. Cute as squirrels may be, there are numerous reasons to keep them out of your home, and one of the biggest is that in addition to

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Squirrel Removal Services - 10 Years Experience - Elite Wildlife Services

The Trouble With Squirrels

Squirrels. They’re cute, they’re pervasive, and most of us don’t think about them very much. They run around yards without causing much trouble. Yet if they get into your house, they start acting a little like Violet Beauregarde in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They start “chewing, chewing, all day

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