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Elite Wildlife Services
Humane Wildlife Removal



Why Do Raccoons Have a Mask?

Why Raccoons Have a Mask | Elite Wildlife Services

As one of Houston’s top wildlife control companies, we often joke around and call raccoons “furry bandits.” After all, they look like bandits. Yet that cute little mask isn’t just for aesthetics. It’s nature’s way of giving raccoons an edge…and it’s part of the reason why they can be so

How do raccoons mate? When do they do it? And most of all, what does the new mom do next, and how does it impact your home?

Raccoon mating season is still in full swing, and will be till around June. So it’s a good time to talk about what to expect when raccoons are expecting. Why such a long mating season? In part because male raccoons travel long distances to mate with as many females as

How to Protect Your Pets from Raccoons | EWS | Houston, TX

Here at Elite Wildlife Services we spend a lot of time talking about how to protect your physical property from raccoons. Raccoons can, after all, do tens of thousands of dollars in damage to even the nicest home. Yet your home isn’t the only thing you have to protect. Many

What do raccoons do all night long, and why does it matter? Find out how the nocturnal activities of a raccoon colony can have a direct impact on your home.

Most people know raccoons are nocturnal animals who sleep in the day and manage their lives during the night. But what are they doing once the sun goes down?  Knowing how raccoons behave can help you understand how one or more of them might decide to start living in your

Elite Wildlife Services in Houston, TX shares steps you can take to avoid attracting raccoons to your yard and attic.

Securing your trash cans is one of the best DIY steps you can take to prevent a raccoon invasion. While secure trash cans won’t help you get rid of a raccoon that is already in your attic, it might keep you from attracting new raccoons. Raccoons are smart, so securing

How Much Does Raccoon Damage Cost | Houston, TX

At Elite Wildlife, we’re committed to humane animal removal. This means when we take a raccoon out of your attic, we do our best to make sure it winds up in a place where it can survive and thrive. And believe it or not, location isn’t the only factor in


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