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Elite Wildlife Services
Humane Wildlife Removal

Where Does Elite Wildlife Release Raccoons?

Where Does Elite Wildlife Release Raccoons?

How Much Does Raccoon Damage Cost | Houston, TX

At Elite Wildlife, we’re committed to humane animal removal. This means when we take a raccoon out of your attic, we do our best to make sure it winds up in a place where it can survive and thrive.

And believe it or not, location isn’t the only factor in ensuring that. Here’s what we do to give raccoons their best chance at a new life.

The Right Time

Raccoons are nocturnal, so we release them at dusk or after so they have time to get to know their new space, find a hiding place to sleep during the day, and to find food.

We never release them first thing in the morning, when they’re sleepy and disoriented. They won’t have time to find a place during the day, so we take care of them until we can get them where they need to go.

The Right Family

When we trap the raccoons in your attic, we trap all of them, including the babies. We keep Mom and babies together rather than separating them. After all, leaving baby raccoons in your attic isn’t going to spare your house from damage!

Plus, we want to give the babies their best chance at survival, too. That means keeping them with Mom.

The Right Distance

It’s important to get raccoons at least 15 miles from your home or they’ll return. They’re capable navigators, and they prefer to stay on the land they’ve gotten to know.

The Right Environment

We use locations near ponds, rivers, or lakes to make sure they have the number one resource raccoons need: water. Water sources also give raccoons ready opportunities for forage.

We also look for trees. Trees give raccoons plenty of places to hide, which they’ll need for their survival.

We care what happens to the raccoons, and if at all possible we want to give them a nice place to live.

Schedule Your Inspection Today

Wherever raccoons go, there’s one place they can’t be: in your attic, causing extensive and expensive damage. You don’t need them tearing up your roof, your insulation, your soffit, your fascia, your wiring, your ceiling, and your drywall.

So while we are concerned with being kind to the animals, we’re even more concerned with being kind to our customers. Schedule a free inspection to make sure that raccoons haven’t taken over your home. We’re here to help with your raccoon problem!

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