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Humane Wildlife Removal


Category: Houston Raccoon Removal

PSA: Don't Feed the Raccoons | Elite Wildlife Services | Houston

Don’t Feed the Raccoons

You may have watched the famous video of a raccoon showing up to order a donut from the Dunkin’ drive-thru window.   There are plenty of less famous videos of raccoons wandering up to homeowner back doors to get food from them. And, charmed by their little fuzzy faces, many

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Raccoons Removal Houston - Raccoon Control - Elite Wildlife Services

7 Places to Look for Raccoon Damage

Raccoons can cause a huge amount of damage in various areas of your home.While we hope you’ll spot the signs of raccoons long before they start tearing your home apart, these seven types of damage may mean you need to call us for an inspection.#1) ShinglesRaccoons know that shingles are

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How to identify raccoon damage in your home - Raccoon Removal Services - Elite Wildlife Services

How to Identify Raccoon Damage in Your Home

Almost every customer of ours wants to stay in denial, at least for a little while, about whether they have raccoons in their homes. Sure, they hear footsteps in the attic, but maybe it’s just the house settling, right?Sometimes, they have to start seeing damage before they call us. We hope

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How to deter raccoons | How to get rid of raccoons | Elite Wildlife Services

How to deter raccoons

Don’t want to pay for raccoon removal?The easiest way to avoid needing raccoon removal services is to deter raccoons in the first place.Here are three ways to try to keep raccoons off your property.#1) Restrict Access to FoodLike most urban scavengers, raccoons choose to inhabit properties where they can count

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Raccoon Trapping | Get Rid of Raccoons | 5 Signs You Have a Raccoon Infestation | Elite Wildlife Services

5 Signs You Have a Raccoon Infestation in Your Home

We’ve been offering pest control services in the Houston, TX, metro area for many years. We know denial is the first reaction many people have when they start noticing signs that raccoons may be invading the house.People don’t want to think about the potential expense of removing raccoons or what

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What do Animals in the Attic Sound Like? Elite Wildlife Services is here to solve all your wildlife problems.

What do Animals in the Attic Sound Like?

Do you hear thumps and bumps in your attic? While you might be in denial—nobody ever wants to think they have a wildlife problem—sounds in your attic almost always mean some creature has moved in. Here’s how to tell what you might be dealing with.Heavy FootstepsIf it sounds like someone is walking

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