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Elite Wildlife Services
Humane Wildlife Removal


How much does Roof rat or Norway rat removal cost?

It is difficult to quote prices because each situation is unique with many different variables that deal with the condition of the home and the extent of infestation.  The location of the structure can also be another factor as Houston has many pockets of city that have a much higher

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How do you get rid of Roof rats?

So rats can be more tricky to rid from homes and businesses than other invasive pests because many people will try to just block them out or just trap them.  Both of these methods are effective short term but in most cases the rodents will win over time.  At Elite

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What are the signs of a rodent problem in a home or business?

The first and most common sign of rodents, such as rats and mice in a home or business is noises at night.  Peak rodent breeding season starts around late September and ends around May in the Houston area.  Though they breed year round, it is during these cooler months that

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What type of rats are most commonly found in Houston?

Roof rats or their scientific name Rattus Rattus are the most common rats found in the Houston area.  They were brought into the US through shipping containers from Southeast Asia.  Now they are commonly found in shipping and receiving cities throughout the US.  This invasive species is commonly referred to

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