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Humane Wildlife Removal

Raccoons Cause Two Texas Power Outages | Raccoon Removal Services | Elite Wildlife Services

In Seguin, TX, raccoons caused two power outages this October by getting into substation transformers. This isn't the first time a raccoon has ever gotten into a transformer. Out in Colorado, a raccoon once caused a 7-acre wildfire doing the same thing. There were instances in New Mexico where raccoons caused

Raccoons at Houston Apartment Complex | Raccoons invade commercial property in Houston | Elite Wildlife Services

Sunnyside Apartments should call us. Based on what's being said in recent news stories, there could be 50 to 100 raccoons on that property. They've apparently been there for more than a year.ABC 13 recently ran a story about raccoons at the complex. Residents are seeing three to six raccoons

Flying Squirrels in Houston | Houston Squirrel Removal | How to get rid of squirrels | Elite Wildlife Services

Another squirrel species has shown up in the Houston Metro Area: flying squirrels. Gray squirrels or Eastern fox squirrels are a lot more common, but people are seeing more of the flying variety.Flying squirrels can glide from 150 to 500 feet. They sail from tree to tree to avoid predators,

Are Raccoons Dangerous?

Are Raccoons dangerous? | Raccoon Removal Services Houston | Elite Wildlife Services

Raccoons are sometimes fun to watch, at least if you're viewing them in a zoo, or seeing them in the yard some distance from your house. When you're up close and personal, they're a little less fun.Here's what you need to know if you have a close encounter with a

Squirrel Removal Near me - Elite Wildlife Services

Squirrels love to nest in homes, both in attics and in exterior walls.They're cute in your yard, but they're absolute terrors inside your home. When you have them, the smartest thing to do is to get rid of them as fast as you possibly can.Here's what you need to know. How

Can House Rats Hurt You?

Rat sitting - Elite Wildlife Services

People have been dealing with rat infestations as long as there have been cities. Rats enjoy living close to where the people are. People generate all the things rats love: food scraps to eat, nice insulation materials for them to nest in, and weird things to play with. They're curious and

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