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Elite Wildlife Services
Humane Wildlife Removal



Are Raccoons Dangerous?

Are Raccoons dangerous? | Raccoon Removal Services Houston | Elite Wildlife Services

Raccoons are sometimes fun to watch, at least if you’re viewing them in a zoo, or seeing them in the yard some distance from your house. When you’re up close and personal, they’re a little less fun.Here’s what you need to know if you have a close encounter with a

Squirrel Removal Near me - Elite Wildlife Services

Squirrels love to nest in homes, both in attics and in exterior walls.They’re cute in your yard, but they’re absolute terrors inside your home. When you have them, the smartest thing to do is to get rid of them as fast as you possibly can.Here’s what you need to know. How

Can House Rats Hurt You?

Rat sitting - Elite Wildlife Services

People have been dealing with rat infestations as long as there have been cities. Rats enjoy living close to where the people are. People generate all the things rats love: food scraps to eat, nice insulation materials for them to nest in, and weird things to play with. They’re curious and

Fall is Rodent Breeding Season in the neighborhood of Memorial in Houston, TX | Elite Wildlife Services

Rodent breeding season is upon us, which means the rats here in the Houston metro area will be looking for a place to nest. Your attic makes the perfect spot. Insulation makes perfect nesting material, and your heated attic gives rats shelter from the winter cold. Homes in Memorial are really

Bats in your home or business | How to get rid of bats in Houston | Elite Wildlife Services

Bats are one of the worst infestations you can get in your home or business. They’re gentle, and will never attack you, but they’re still problematic. As the recent Covid-19 pandemic has shown us, bats carry a multitude of diseases. In fact, they carry more dangerous viruses than any other species. This

Bird Netting

Bird trapped in net

Bird netting is one of the methods we use for humane pest control. It’s good for more than birds!Bird netting is a heavy-duty polyethylene or polypropylene net that can be installed across egresses that animals use to get into attics, parking garages, and other structures. Keeping animals out is, after


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