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Elite Wildlife Services
Humane Wildlife Removal



Myths About Wildlife Removal and Prevention When you buy your first home, you already know to think about water heater failures, electrical problems, and paint jobs. Most people aren't trained to consider the possibility of developing a nuisance wildlife problem.As a result, many people believe some pretty damaging myths about wildlife

What is Raccoon Roundworm?


What is Raccoon Roundworm? Raccoon roundworm, also known as a Baylisacaris infection, can be serious. It's a parasite that is found in raccoons.  Raccoon roundworm can cause severe neurological problems and can be fatal. If you have raccoons in your home, you are at risk. The parasite can spread from raccoons to dogs

Symptoms of Histoplasmosis


Symptoms of HistoplasmosisBats like to live in Houston attics, and unfortunately, not every homeowner catches them before they become a severe problem. One of the biggest dangers of having bats living right on top of humans is the diseases they carry. Bats carry a fungus called Histoplasma. Histoplasma is transmitted through

Bat Removal Near me - Elite Wildlife Services

Bat Wildlife Removal in Houston: What to ExpectMany homeowners are unsure of what to expect from wildlife removal services. Some even picture exterminators running wildly through their homes, charging after panicking animals.The reality is a lot quieter and completely non-destructive. Here are the steps we'll take when we visit your

How to Live With Bats in Texas - Elite Wildlife Services in Houston, Texas

Bats are an important part of the ecosystem here in Texas. They even contribute to local tourism. When they stay outside of your home, bats are a boon. They eat insects, pollinate plants, and disperse seeds. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that bats eat enough pests to save

Do Bat Boxes Work?

Do Bat Boxes Work? Call Elite Wildlife Services and keep bats out of your home.

A bat box or bat house provides housing for bats. Conservation organizations promote them as a way to help and sustain bat populations, as well as a way to control insect populations. Texas Heritage for Living even went so far as to claim every backyard should have a bat box. They

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