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Humane Wildlife Removal


Category: Get Rid of Squirrels


Seasonal Squirrel Patterns: Houston's Squirrel Behavior Throughout the Year

Seasonal Squirrel Patterns: Houston’s Squirrel Behavior Throughout the Year Squirrels can do plenty of damage both indoors and outdoors. People in Houston have found chewed-up chairs and decks, stripped-down gardens, and worse. When they’re inside the home, they tear up insulation, chew on wiring until your home becomes a fire hazard, and

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Squirrels are only a problem when they find their way into your house. We focus on blocking squirrel access to your home. | Elite Wildlife Services

Are Squirrels in the Yard a Problem?

If squirrels are only in your yard, they may not be a problem at all. In fact, squirrels can serve a vital ecological function. They take seeds and bury them. Unlike some animals, squirrels aren’t quite so adept at remembering where they stored all their treasures. They’ll successfully dig some back up

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Can You Shoot Squirrels in Houston?

Can You Shoot Squirrels in Houston?

If you’re within the city limits, you can’t shoot any animal at all. That goes for squirrels, raccoons, and any other critter you might find in your house or yard, even if you’re using a .22 or other small caliber firearm.  Yet squirrels are a game animal. They are ubiquitous prey

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Squirrels in attic? Squirrel Removal in Houston - Elite Wildlife Services

Signs You Have a Squirrel Problem

Everyone in Katy, TX has squirrels in their yard. As long as they stay in your yard, squirrels are relatively harmless.  Yet when squirrels get into your home you’ve got a huge problem on your hands! They’re just as bad as mice for chewing just about everything and defecating just

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Getting Rid of Squirrels in Houston - September is squirrel season - Elite Wildlife Services

September is Squirrel Season, So Stay on the Lookout

August through October and February through May are the seasons in which baby squirrels are born. As of this month there are already some adorable pest babies happily snuggling up to their moms.  That means squirrels are already instinctively on the lookout for clean, dry, warm places to build their

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