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Elite Wildlife Services
Humane Wildlife Removal


What do Animals in the Attic Sound Like? Elite Wildlife Services is here to solve all your wildlife problems.

Do you hear thumps and bumps in your attic? While you might be in denial—nobody ever wants to think they have a wildlife problem—sounds in your attic almost always mean some creature has moved in. Here's how to tell what you might be dealing with.Heavy FootstepsIf it sounds like someone is walking

How Rats Make You Sick

How rats can make you sick - Elite Wildlife Services

Many believe that rats can't make them sick unless they are bitten, scratched, or come into direct contact with rat droppings.Nothing could be further from the truth. Rats in the home can make you ill even if you never see one face-to-face.The Most Common Rodent-Born IllnessHantavirus, or HPS, is the

Squirrels are only a problem when they find their way into your house. We focus on blocking squirrel access to your home. | Elite Wildlife Services

If squirrels are only in your yard, they may not be a problem at all. In fact, squirrels can serve a vital ecological function. They take seeds and bury them. Unlike some animals, squirrels aren't quite so adept at remembering where they stored all their treasures. They'll successfully dig some back up

Can You Shoot Squirrels in Houston?

If you're within the city limits, you can't shoot any animal at all. That goes for squirrels, raccoons, and any other critter you might find in your house or yard, even if you're using a .22 or other small caliber firearm.  Yet squirrels are a game animal. They are ubiquitous prey

Raccoons Cause Two Texas Power Outages | Raccoon Removal Services | Elite Wildlife Services

In Seguin, TX, raccoons caused two power outages this October by getting into substation transformers. This isn't the first time a raccoon has ever gotten into a transformer. Out in Colorado, a raccoon once caused a 7-acre wildfire doing the same thing. There were instances in New Mexico where raccoons caused

Raccoons at Houston Apartment Complex | Raccoons invade commercial property in Houston | Elite Wildlife Services

Sunnyside Apartments should call us. Based on what's being said in recent news stories, there could be 50 to 100 raccoons on that property. They've apparently been there for more than a year.ABC 13 recently ran a story about raccoons at the complex. Residents are seeing three to six raccoons

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