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4 Facts About Houston Squirrels

4 Facts About Houston Squirrels

4 Facts About Houston Squirrels | Elite WIldlife | Houston, TX

Squirrel breeding season is back, which means all the little Momma squirrels are looking for safe places to bear and raise their baby squirrels. To the average Squirrel-Mom, attics are perfect. They’re sturdy, strong, safe from predators, and full of nesting material, otherwise known as your insulation.

Since squirrels are likely to be a big problem for Houston homeowners again this year, we thought we’d take a moment to share a few salient facts about them. 


#1) There are three species of squirrels in Houston. 

Houston is home to the eastern gray squirrel, the eastern fox squirrel, and the southern flying squirrel. Gray squirrels are the most common. 


#2) Squirrels can make you sick.

They won’t generally make you sick directly, but squirrels tend to carry fleas and ticks. Fleas and ticks can spread multiple diseases. 

They also drop urine and feces into your attic, which are disease vectors in their own right even if you never come into direct contact with them. Eventually dust from these droppings winds up in your vent system, where it’s possible to breathe it in and get sick off of it. 


#3) They’re the smartest rodents in the world.

You already know that rats and mice are smart. But did you know squirrels are even smarter?

They have fantastic memories, and not only because they need to remember where they hid their months. Scientists have proven they can complete simple brain teasers. After they’ve solved a brain teaser once, they can remember how to solve them again months later.

The puzzle posed by your home—that is, how best to get into your attic and live there—is nothing to them unless you take the time to adopt some focused exclusion methods. 


#4 They’re little arsonists.

Squirrels have caused grass fires, wildfires, car fires, and house fires. Baby squirrels are the worst culprits. They just can’t resist chewing on wires if they find them.

If you hear scratches and squeaks in your home, calling us to schedule a free consultation is your best possible defense against a house fire which can devastate your life, home, and family. 


Get Help With Your Squirrel Problems Today

As Houston’s squirrel removal experts, we work hard to offer the area’s most affordable and effective humane squirrel control solutions. When we handle your squirrel problem, they don’t come back.

Contact us to schedule your free inspection today! 


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