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Humane Wildlife Removal

Better Bat Prevention

Better Bat Prevention

Better Bat Prevention Tips | Elite Wildlife Services | Houston, TX

Here at Elite Wildlife Services, we offer some of Houston’s most effective and affordable bat removal services. Yet we understand few homeowners want to have to pay for bat removal.

Thus, it pays to know how to prevent bats whenever possible, especially in Houston. We have an enormous bat population. Failing to engage in any prevention is almost an open invitation to bring bats into your house. 

Here are a few methods you can try to keep the bats away.


#1) Install Motion Lights

Bats hate bright lights. And while you might not want those lights to be on all night (you have to sleep sometimes), high power motion lights sensitive enough to pick up a bat in flight should give you the chance to scare them away.

Place the lights near potential roosting sights to send bats scattering. They’ll try to find another, more suitable location to roost.


#2) Install Bat Houses

After making your attic a less tempting target, provide a palatable alternative in the form of a bat house.

Mount your bat house at least 30 feet from your home. Once bats find it and start using it they’ll be far less likely to enter your home, because they’ve already gotten what they need. 


#3) Eliminate Standing Water

Do you have any toys in your yard accumulating water after every storm? A bird bath that doesn’t get changed regularly enough? Dirty gutters? Hidden leaks?

Standing water attracts bats for two reasons.

First, they need water to live like any creature does. Second, they need food to live. Standing water breeds insects, which is their favorite food source.

When you allow standing water to remain on your property, you attract two kinds of unpleasant pests. Who needs that? 


Bonus: Exclusion Methods 

When we get bats out of an attic, we employ exclusion methods to keep them out. 

We seal up every nook and cranny that might admit them. Our exclusion methods let them leave the attic but don’t let them return. Often, we can find entry points you haven’t even thought of yet.

If you’ve still got bats despite your best efforts (and it can happen) contact us to handle your bat problem as soon as possible. 

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