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Humane Wildlife Removal

How to Check Your Home for Bats

How to Check Your Home for Bats

How to Check Your Home for Bats | Elite Wildlife Services

Here at Elite Wildlife Services, we offer free inspections to any homeowner in Houston & surrounding areas. Most people call us and have us check for bats rather than trying to DIY it.

Yet some homeowners really want to be sure before they add another schedule item to their calendars. We understand that, so we wanted to provide some tips on how to check your home for bats before you call us.


Be slow, careful, and calm. 

There is some danger in searching for bats yourself. If you scare a bat or make it feel cornered, it could bite you. Bites are a common way to spread diseases like rabies, so you’ll want to avoid them if you can.

The quieter and calmer you can be, the better.


Check the right places.

The vast majority of bats are going to be in your attic, and they’ll be hanging out near your ceiling beams during the day.

If your home has crawlspaces, it’s possible that some bats choose those areas as their roosting zones instead. 


Use several senses.

You might never see a bat, but that doesn’t mean they’re there. You want to use all five of your senses to help detect them.

Do you hear high-pitched squeaks? Rustling sounds? Scratching sounds? This is a sign you have some sort of wildlife infestation. It could be bats, rats, mice, or squirrels, but the sounds alone are generally enough to indicate it’s time to call a professional.

Do you smell something unpleasant? Bat guano smells like strong ammonia. It is extremely unpleasant and even more virulent than cat pee, which is infamous for its ability to ruin a home by hanging around.


Don’t sit on what you find.

If you suspect bats, it’s vital that you act immediately. Call Elite Wildlife Services for a full, professional inspection. We’ll find all the bats in your home and then help you remove them humanely and safely.

Click here to schedule your free inspection now. 


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