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Humane Wildlife Removal

Why Do Raccoons Have a Mask?

Why Do Raccoons Have a Mask?

Why Raccoons Have a Mask | Elite Wildlife Services

As one of Houston’s top wildlife control companies, we often joke around and call raccoons “furry bandits.” After all, they look like bandits.

Yet that cute little mask isn’t just for aesthetics. It’s nature’s way of giving raccoons an edge…and it’s part of the reason why they can be so difficult to get out of your home and keep out of your home.

Or to keep out of the liquor store, for that matter. (Don’t forget, we do commercial raccoon removal, too!)

Nature’s War Paint

Why did pirates use eyeliner? Why do football players and soldiers put dark streaks of paint under their eyes? 

It’s science! 

The black stripes absorb light and reduce glare. This is useful both for daytime operations (pirates) and for night time operations (raccoons). Raccoons primarily use it to recognize prey and avoid predators. There’s plenty of night light to worry about, from street lights to moonlight. 

This is also one reason why sticking motion lights on your house isn’t much of a deterrent. It just doesn’t bother raccoons nearly as much as people imagine it does.

Hey, Bob

Every raccoon mask is different. While most animals use scent to identify one another, raccoons use sight, too. That means they spot facial differences just like we do. 

This helps them distinguish friends from strangers, look out for their families, and challenge invaders who have entered their territory.

Speaking of territory, related groups often share common areas, and females often form groups of up to 12 raccoons to share child-rearing duties. It’s never just one raccoon. Even a male will typically share territory with up to four other male raccoons. They might drive a strange raccoon out when the territory gets too crowded, but they share just fine.

People are often surprised to learn this because raccoons are often seen as being solitary animals. It’s true they’re very clever and independent, but if they didn’t have some contact with one another they’d never be able to mate. 

And they will want to share a den in winter, which means Mom and her kits aren’t the only raccoons that might be in your attic. You could have an entire, destructive little colony up there, waiting for warm weather to return.

Let us Mask Up and Ride Out

We wear masks on the job as well, mostly to protect ourselves from inhaling droppings and other unpleasantness left behind by raccoons and other creatures. We offer humane raccoon removal to homeowners and business owners across the Houston metro area, and we know just how to outsmart these crazy little critters.

Ready to get started? Schedule your free consultation and inspection today. Even a raccoon’s clever bandit mask won’t stop us from protecting your home!

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